Random assignment implies that each participant has an equal chance of being allocated to the two groups. If you’ve been considering switching to an EHR system, SimplePractice empowers you to run a fully paperless practice—so you get more time for the things that matter most to you. Another example could be a therapist working with a young client, their parents,… read more →
However I was recently visited by a friend from Cali who brought with him some Sunrocks to sample. Not for novices or before an important meeting or even an unimportant one for that matter. Costly as all get out and hard to find outside of Cali but a worthwhile,albeit expensive treat for any true enthusiast. One of the most common… read more →
We’ve picked the best children’s museums, discovery centres and historic locations in the Sightseeing section. WBUR and the Reporter have a partnership in which the organizations share resources to collaborate on stories. WBUR and the Dorchester Reporter have a partnership in which the news organizations share resources to collaborate on stories. Pizziferri III said the density is intentional, “so there… read more →